versuri KRS One - H I P H O P versuri muzica KRS One versurile melodiei H I P H O P > Litera K > KRS One > Versurile KRS One - H I P H O P

Versuri H I P H O P

[KRS] Yeah thatæŠÂ¯ the one -- yo Thor-El just just check your mic Verse One: Thor-El So you wanna be the million dollar man, kid whatæŠÂ¯ your plan Make a deal with the devil settle for a hundred grand Not enough I call your bluff, hit you with the stuff Deal with this and think youæŠÂ®e tough, gimme a call when things get rough You get no Vette and, if I could stay leaded IæŠÂ¦ leavin rappers one-legged from fakin like the prosthetic youæŠÂ®e artificial by cripple, rap is like your pistol Grim Reaper, I got the whistle, death I pull no tissue Hit you, like the Mac-11, MCæŠÂ¯ subtract by seven Callin callin for the reverand, lookin at hell like heaven IæŠÂ¦ on the map, makin it like the crazy on the track Oh what the hell I get my mail while I raid you til it crack Chorus: KRS and Thor-El H, I, P, H, O, P, we are H, I, P, H, O, P, we are Verse Two: KRS-One CæŠÂ¦on, uhh Dead two in the head before some A&R tell me I must give up the streets you lift the company can sell me WhatæŠÂ¯ the sense in being large if you canæŠÂ° take a risk? Thinkin a risk upon a disc means youæŠÂ®e written off the list IæŠÂ¦ not sayin you canæŠÂ° have your fame and glory just donæŠÂ° bore me when I come to see you live, and I paid twenty-five ThatæŠÂ¯, crazy loot Kris is saying I donæŠÂ° play those games Killing Rhyme Sessions is the meaning of my name But donæŠÂ° call my name in vain, cause I will appear And your livest MC will get slain right here See I do the homework, and I do the extra credit You could sell a million records, and still canæŠÂ° set it Cause the Lex or Beem is probably just the matches and a Jeep so IæŠÂ¦ sure your rap career now if they come before your people Ohh Lord!! You canæŠÂ° be thinkin about Billboard With the mic cord, and several thousand people just bored Being dope live is like being insured for life You always get called back twice, you are Chorus 2X Verse Three: Thor-El, KRS-One I burn like hy-dra-cho-loric and my city got itty HeæŠÂ¯ terrible, Thor-ElæŠÂ¯ incredible and terrific Is it, that youæŠÂ®e under the influence of local obvious Rappers that die, but why, explain the obvious No stoppin this lyrics from the esophagus rockin strictly the hip-hop populace

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Alte versuri de la KRS One
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Denis Cojocaru - Copii planetei
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  9. maria santean - popular
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