versuri Shakira - Loca versuri muzica Shakira versurile melodiei Loca > Litera S > Shakira > Versurile Shakira - Loca

Versuri Loca

Loca⦠Loca⦠Dance or die⦠Loca⦠Loca⦠She's playin' dumb all the time Just to keep it fun To get you on like (ahh!) Be careful amigo She talkin' and walkin' just to work you up Sheâd die for your love But your loveâs only mine, boy Sigo tranquila Like Iâm on a beach in Anguilla Sippinâ on Corona Like itâs nothinâ goin' on I ainât leavinâ you alone What is meant for me No other girl is gonna take So keep them off And Iâm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca) You like that it ainât easy (loca, loca, loca) Iâm crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca) Crazy but you like it That girl is a nutter Hot though, I heat up when I touch her Chica caliente Got me rapping to merengue I feel so el presidente Iâm runninâ shit and Iâm lovinâ it Sheâs got a mean lilâ butt, But you should see what she does with it She keeps it down low (down low, down low) I can never get enough (oh no, oh no) She gives me the runaround, But I stay chasinâ But I mean, yo, Iâm in love With a crazy girl But itâs all good And itâs fine by me Just as long as I hear her say, âAy, papiâ And Iâm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca) You like that it ainât easy (loca, loca, loca) Iâm crazy but you like it Crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca) Youâre the one for me And for her no more Now you think sheâs got it all I got one kiki Youâre the one for me And for her no more Now you think sheâs got it all I got my kiki Thereâs a lot of things That Iâd do to please you Take you to the medico por el caminito ?? Cuz weâre gonna get some Mambo Oh, what she do in the Laui? I really can't help it If I make the lady loca I donât want no trouble I just wanna hit the (Ooh!) And Iâm crazy, but you like it âCause the kinda girl like me Is never far from the market And Iâm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca) You like that it ainât easy (loca, loca, loca) Iâm crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca) Crazy but you like it (Dios Mío) That girl is (loca) That girl is (loca) That girl is (loca) Loca That girl is (loca) That girl is (loca) Youâre the one for me And for her no more Now you think sheâs got it all I got my kiki And Iâm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca) You like that it ainât easy (loca, loca, loca) La loca, la loca, la loca (loca) Loca (loca) Loca descarca versuri Shakira muzica versuri melodiei muzica Pop versurile. Cantece cuvinte muzica straina.

Alte versuri de la Shakira
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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