versuri ICP - Halloween on military street versuri muzica ICP versurile melodiei Halloween on military street > Litera I > ICP > Versurile ICP - Halloween on military street

Versuri Halloween on military street

[Chorus] Fuck! Damnit! Another Halloween. People on Military know what this means. Houses on fire, they're blowin up cars. Creatures in the streets, and razor blades and candy bars. I went to trick-or-treat the first house on my block, Spit in my face and gave my a rock. I tried to give it back and said "I'll take nothing instead." Turned around and walked away and felt the rock peg me in the head Walked to the next house directly next door There I saw an old woman dead on the floor I said "Excuse me miss, but do you have a treat?" She lifted her leg and scrapped flakes off her dead feet I ran to the next house happy and giddy And there i seen a fat woman holding up her titty I said, "Trick-or-treat." she sad "Treat-or-trick." And squeezed on her titty until it.......fuck it that's too sick Next house up was sittin back in the woods I was a lil frightened but fuck I want the goods I knocked on the door I heard a knock back And then i heard "COME ON IN" and yo I'm like FUCK DAT! This house belongs to Mrs. Cherry Spoon She said, "Drop your drawls and your treat is coming soon." I quickly grew a stiffy, but kept my eyes shut A hand came out the mail chute and flicked me in the nuts I wobbled to the next house ready for the worst And chillin in the drive was a long black hurst I rang the door bell and said "Is anybody home." "Of course little biy have a sugar coated kidney stone." I walked throught the field, and to the next crib Her friendliness could only be in her cooking bib I said "How bout some candy." she said "How bout instead, A nice hot fresh home made loaf of yeast infection bread." My bag's gettin heavy so I rest on the curb And riding on his bike her comes little Larry Shurb I snuck up behind him and kicked him off his seat I punched him in the neck, and power bombed him in the street Now my bag of candy has doubled in size Up to the next house for my scary prize I'm like trick-or-treat, trick treat tricky dick he opened up his door slapped my lips and didn't give me shit Rock through his window and ran across the street To the Dayton Mansion I'm in for a treat I dinged on the dong, and here comes the butler A big gumpy tall ass lurch lookin ma'fucka I said "Hello Mr. is there somethin for my sack?" He reached in his pocket but I think he hurt his back It's taking him an hour, my bag is open ready But then he finally dropped it in my sack, a fuckin penny The next house is abandonded so forget it But wait a minute, I think somebody's livin in it I ran up to the door "Trick-or-treat, you can't hide" It was a crackhead, he crawled in my bag and died The next house is mine the last on the block My mother's sitting on the porch shinning up hr glock I climbed on the roof with my brother Jump Steady And we yelled "HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND CLOWN LOVE!" to the whole city

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