versuri Rolling Stones - Around and around versuri muzica Rolling Stones versurile melodiei Around and around > Litera R > Rolling Stones > Versurile Rolling Stones - Around and around

Versuri Around and around

I said the joint was rocking Goin' round and round Yeah, reeling and a rocking What a crazy sound And they never stopped rocking 'Til the moon went down Well it sounds so sweet I had to take me chance Rose out of my seat I just had to dance Started moving my feet Whoa to clapping my hands I said the joint was a rocking Goin' round and round Yeah, reeling and a rocking What a crazy sound And they never stopped rocking 'Til the moon went down Yeah at twelve o'clock Yeah the place was packed Front doors was locked Yeah the place was packed And when the police knocked Those doors flew back But they kept on rocking Goin' round and round Yeah, reeling and a rocking What a crazy sound And they never stopped rocking 'Til the moon went down And they go on rocking Goin' round and round Yeah, reeling and a rocking What a crazy sound And they never stopped rocking 'Til the moon went down Well the joint stayed a rocking Goin' round and round Yeah, reeling and a rocking What a crazy sound And they never stopped rocking 'Til the moon went down

Rolling Stones melodiei versurile versurile piesa. Ultima melodie muzica straina cuvinte album versuri versuri descarca melodia Rock Around and around.

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  7. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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