versuri Ringo Starr - Without understanding versuri muzica Ringo Starr versurile melodiei Without understanding > Litera R > Ringo Starr > Versurile Ringo Starr - Without understanding

Versuri Without understanding

(Richard Starkey, Mark Hudson and Steve Dudas) Oo - You said you were my friend, You don't even know my name. Is this the beginning of the end Singing your songs with the same old pain. Without understanding where can we go? And if the world stops turning how will we know? Understanding, Imagination, Without understanding, No good vibrations. The book is open to me, I can see in your empty pages You got eyes that won't see, Traveling blind in your own mazes. Without understanding where can we go? (hey, hey, hey) And if the world stops turning how will we know? Understanding, Imagination, Without understanding, No good vibrations. When you hear the angel sounds (hey, hey hey) Turn around. (yeah) Two voices becoming just like one, Can it be done? Without understanding (understanding) where can we go? And if the world stops turning how will we know? Understanding, Imagination, Without understanding, No good vibrations. Understanding, Imagination, Without understanding, No good vibrations, (no good vibrations). No good vibrations, (no good vibrations). No good vibrations, No good vibrations. Oo - Ah -

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  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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