versuri Prince - Round And Round versuri muzica Prince versurile melodiei Round And Round > Litera P > Prince > Versurile Prince - Round And Round

Versuri Round And Round

Lead voice by Tevin Campbell Oh yeah round and round and round round, round yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh yeah Can u tell me where we're going 2? Can u tell me what it is we really want 2 find? Is the truth really there? Or is it right under our hair? 4 all we know it's been there all the time. I say, nothing comes from dreamers but dreams I say, sitting idle in our boat while everyone else is down the stream Nothing comes from talkers but sound We can talk all we want 2, but the world still goes around and round. Round and round. We go round and round and round. And what we're looking 4 still isn't found Can u tell me when we gonna get 2 it. I'm tired of fooling around I said I wanna do it. (go 4 it, get 2 it) I learned my lesson young, I said if want to have fun (go 4 it) And when u win say, I knew it (go 4 it, get 2 it) nothing comes from dreamers but dreams I say, sitting idle in our boat while everyone else is down the stream Nothing comes from talkers but sound We can talk all we want 2, but the world still goes around and round. round, round, round, round, round, round Round and round (get get get get 2 it, go 4 it, get 2 it) We go round and round and round. And what we're looking 4 still isn't found 1 day I'll make it in the big city and I'll be looking 4 a girl who's pretty 1 day I'll make a play and she will say ok 'cause I plan 2 be a cool kitty Round and Round. I say, nothing comes from dreamers but dreams I say, sitting idle in our boat while everyone else is down the stream Nothing comes from talkers but sound We can talk all we want 2, but the world still goes around and round. Round and round. We go round and round and round. And what we're looking 4 still isn't found Round and round we go. Round and round we go. Round and round and round and round and round and round we go. Round and round, round and round, round and round we go, round and round we go Round and round.

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  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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