versuri Ashanti - Feels so good versuri muzica Ashanti versurile melodiei Feels so good > Litera A > Ashanti > Versurile Ashanti - Feels so good

Versuri Feels so good

Hey, baby, baby May I have a word with you I've been watching you from over here And I've been wonderin' if I should get to know you Baby now, what I want to know not back and forth So baby would you spend some time And I could find a way to make you mine Ho, my baby (My baby) Hoo, you drive me crazy I can't even ask for more 'Cause boy, I think you've got it all Ho, my baby (My baby) Hoo, you drive me crazy I can't even ask for more 'Cause boy, I think you've got it all Ooh, you make me feel so good I'll do what you ask me to Ooh, you make me feel so right Every day and every night Ooh, let me tell you how much I'm in love with you From the moment that I saw your face I never ever thought about you bein' replaced I know that I have found the guy that I am lookin' for I throw my other numbers out the door 'Cause I know I don't need a man anymore Ho, my baby (My baby) Hoo, you drive (Mmm) me crazy I can't even ask for more 'Cause boy, I think you've got it all Ho, my baby (My baby) Hoo, you drive me crazy I can't even ask for more 'Cause boy, I think you've got it all Ooh, you make me feel so good I'll do what you ask me to (I'll do, I'll do what you want me to) Ooh, you make me feel so right Every day and every night (Every day, every day and every night) You have been listenin' to the world renown Murder Inc. song The beautiful, the talented Miss Ashanti And as we break you off to the Chapter II I'mma tell y'all *** is what we gonna do We gonna keep givin' y'all what ya'll need Sing to me, baby Come on, baby Ho, my baby (My baby) Hoo, you drive (Mmm) me crazy I can't even ask for more 'Cause boy, I think you've got it all Ho, my baby (My baby) Hoo, you drive me crazy I can't even ask for more 'Cause boy, I think you've got it all Ooh, you make me feel so good I'll do what you ask me to Ooh, you make me feel so right (So right) Every day and every night (Every day, every day and every night) Ooh, you make me feel so good I'll do what you ask me to Ooh, you make me feel so good I'll do what you ask me to You have been listenin' to another Murder Inc bam Yeah Ashanti, Milwaukee Santana to go And you know we talkin' to you The world's most wanted The world's most dangerous The world's most loved I.G., y'all, I.G., y'all, I.G., y'all Y'all motherf***ers, ctach up

Versurile piesa descarca muzica straina versuri Feels so good melodiei. Cuvintele asculta melodiei album versuri Ashanti descarca.

Alte versuri de la Ashanti
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Denis Cojocaru - Copii planetei
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  9. maria santean - popular
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