versuri Manowar muzica Manowar versuri melodii Manowar > Litera M > versuri Manowar

Versuri Manowar

  1. versuri Achilles, Agony And Ecstasy
  2. versuri Wheels Of Fire
  3. versuri Warriors Prayer
  4. versuri Warriors of the world united
  5. versuri Warriors Of The World
  6. versuri Warlord
  7. versuri Violence And Bloodsheed
  8. versuri Thunderpick
  9. versuri Today Is A Good Day To Die
  10. versuri Violence and bloodshed
  11. versuri Thor
  12. versuri The Spirit Horse Of The Cherokee
  13. versuri The Power Of Thy Sword
  14. versuri The Power
  15. versuri The Master Of The Wind
  16. versuri The oath
  17. versuri The Fight For Freedom
  18. versuri The gods made heavy metal
  19. versuri The Crown And The Ring
  20. versuri The Blood Of The Kings
  21. versuri Sign Of The Hammer
  22. versuri Sting Of The Bumblebee
  23. versuri Swords In The Wind
  24. versuri The Blood Of My Enemies
  25. versuri Shell Shock
  26. versuri Secret Of Steel
  27. versuri Ride The Dragon
  28. versuri Revelation
  29. versuri Return Of The Warlord
  30. versuri Piano Interlude
  31. versuri Pleasure Slave
  32. versuri Outlaw
  33. versuri Number 1
  34. versuri Mountains
  35. versuri My Spirit Lives On
  36. versuri Nessun Dorma
  37. versuri Metal Warriors
  38. versuri Masters of the wind
  39. versuri Metal Daze
  40. versuri Master Of Revenge
  41. versuri March For Revenge
  42. versuri Manowar
  43. versuri Kingdom Come
  44. versuri Kings Of Metal
  45. versuri Kill With Power
  46. versuri King
  47. versuri Holy war
  48. versuri Heart Of Steel
  49. versuri Hatred
  50. versuri Hail To England
  51. versuri Hand Of Doom
  52. versuri Hail and kill
  53. versuri Guyana
  54. versuri Gates Of Valhalla
  55. versuri Gloves Of Metal
  56. versuri Fighting the world
  57. versuri Fast Taker
  58. versuri Fight Until We Die
  59. versuri Drums Of Doom
  60. versuri Each Dawn I Die
  61. versuri Death Tone
  62. versuri Defender
  63. versuri Dark Avenger
  64. versuri Courage French
  65. versuri Courage
  66. versuri Carry on
  67. versuri Burning
  68. versuri Call to arms
  69. versuri Brothers Of Metal
  70. versuri Bridge of death
  71. versuri Black Arrows
  72. versuri Black Wind, Fire And Steel
  73. versuri Blow your speakers
  74. versuri Battle Hymn
  75. versuri Battle hymm
  76. versuri An American Trilogy
  77. versuri Animals
  78. versuri Army Of Immortals
  79. versuri All Men Play On 10

Melodia piesa piesa Rock melodiei Manowar versuri asculta versuri muzica versurile. Cantece cuvintele asculta.

Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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