versuri Blackstreet - Wizzy Wow versuri muzica Blackstreet versurile melodiei Wizzy Wow > Litera B > Blackstreet > Versurile Blackstreet - Wizzy Wow

Versuri Wizzy Wow

feat. Mystikal Wizzy wow Wow Wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Uh, wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Uh, Wizzy-wizzy wow Uh, Wizzy-wizzy wow Drop a top to make you say wow Sleep with the top, let that make you say wow Pop in approach, makinâ₉„¢ the industry wow I can do a baller like 20 seconds like wow Pick up a trick and the bodyâ₉„¢s like wow ??? throwinâ₉„¢ the face was like wow Went to the crib and her mouth dropped like wow Took off her clothes and then there always was trouble Yoâ₉„¢, this girl was so kinky like wow The cranium was crazy, it made me say wow Touchinâ₉„¢ her clothes with her hands and meanwhile She got me in her carpet and sweatinâ₉„¢ like wow I canâ₉„¢t be greedy, thatâ₉„¢s not correct, wow Phat expressinâ₉„¢ her to my peeps, thatâ₉„¢s wow Hit up my dawg on a two, he hollered wow He called my cell and said, Iâ₉„¢ll be there on the double Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow (Wizzy-wizzy) Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow Wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy-wizzy wow (Wizzy-wizzy) Iâ₉„¢m with crew, my n****s, like wow We all eatinâ₉„¢ up bank accounts, itâ₉„¢s like wow So many Os, 64s, itâ₉„¢s like wow Where we go we ??? like wow Ice and the chains, itâ₉„¢s exotic like wow Different colored diamonds hypnotic like wow Ainâ₉„¢t no stoppinâ₉„¢ us now, we shuttinâ₉„¢ it down How you likinâ₉„¢ me now, I got a new style Shake your a**, wonâ₉„¢t you sleep with me now Wiggle a little, shake, shake it in the middle

Wizzy Wow muzica straina piesa cantece ultima melodie album. Blackstreet asculta versuri album versuri asculta muzica.

Alte versuri de la Blackstreet
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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