versuri Savoy Brown - Troubled By These Days And Times versuri muzica Savoy Brown versurile melodiei Troubled By These Days And Times > Litera S > Savoy Brown > Versurile Savoy Brown - Troubled By These Days And Times

Versuri Troubled By These Days And Times

Raymond-Chrysalis Music Ltd. Well I'm troubled, yes I'm troubled Well I'm troubled by these days and times Well I'm troubled, yes I'm troubled You know I'm troubled by these days and times When fortune smiles on me, it's leaving me behind Everybody knows that fate can be so unkind Don't wanna kick myself for the rest of my life If that's the way it's gotta be I guess it's alright Well I'm worried, yes I'm worried I'm worried 'bout what's gonna come Well I'm worried, oh Lord I'm worried I'm worried 'bout the things I've done No use in thinking 'bout what's right or wrong Caring for nothing than yourself in so long Should I regret the years I let go by Living for the day and never wondering why Well I'm troubled, yes I'm troubled Well I'm troubled by these days and times Well I'm troubled, oh Lord I'm troubled You know I'm troubled by these days and times When fortune smiles on me, it's leaving me behind Everybody knows that fate can be so unkind Don't wanna kick myself for the rest of my life If that's the way it's gotta be I guess it's alright Troubled by these days and times

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  7. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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