versuri Bright Eyes - June On The West Coast versuri muzica Bright Eyes versurile melodiei June On The West Coast > Litera B > Bright Eyes > Versurile Bright Eyes - June On The West Coast

Versuri June On The West Coast

June On The West Coast Lyrics i spent a week drinking the sunlight of winnetka, california where they understand the weight of human hearts you see sorrow gets too heavy and joy it tends to hold you with the fear that it eventually departs. and the truth is iâ₉„¢ve been dreaming of some tired tranquil place where the weather wonâ₉„¢t get trapped inside my bones and if all the years of searching find one sympathetic face then its there i will plant these seeds and make my home i spent a day dreaming of dying in mesa, arizona where all the green of life had turned to ash and i felt i was on fire, with the things i could have told you i guess i just assumed that you eventually would ask and i wouldnâ₉„¢t have to bring up my so badly broken heart and all those months i just wanted to sleep and though spring, it did come slowly, i guess it did its part my heart has thawed and continues to beat i visited my brother on the outskirts of olympia where the forest and the water become one and we talked about our childhood, like a dream we were convinced of, that perfect peaceful street where we came from and i know he heard me strumming all those sad and simple chords as i sat inside my room so long ago and it hurts that heâ₉„¢s still shaking from those secrets that were told by a car closed up airtight and a heart turned cold and i went to san diego the birthplace of the summer and watched the ocean dance under the moon and there was a girl i knew there, one more potential lover i guess that somethingâ₉„¢s got to happen soon because i know i canâ₉„¢t keep living in this dead or dying dream and as i watched along the beach and drank with her i thought about my true love, the one i really need with eyes that burn so bright, they make me pure they make me pure they make me pure i long to be with you

Mp3 asculta cuvinte June On The West Coast muzica straina piesa. Ultima melodie piesa versuri Bright Eyes versuri.

Alte versuri de la Bright Eyes
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  7. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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