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Versuri I Got The Message

I Got The Message I got the message and the message is clear I really really really really wish you were here it was written on the back of a carton d'allumettes It says I don't really miss you but I haven't tried yet I got the message & the message is proof There really is a thing they call the rhythm of youth It will pick you up and it will make you wiggle this way Et c'est facile a dire and it's easy to say well it's mine [They got this thing they call the rhythm of life] Not Yours [It says to settle down & get a dog and a wife] get down [And everybody's doing it all over the land] on all fours [Et oui je ne comprends pas oh yes i don't understand] it's long [I got the message and the message is clear] and hard [I really really really really wish you were here] this road [It was written on the back of a carton d'allumettes] to mars [I don't really miss you but I haven't tried yet] Got a good thing, yeah, got you going Everybody's moving, watch out it's showing I have done a good thing I've got you dancing, Everybody's happy I have done a good thing, I've got you moving, Everybody's dancing They're really grooving I have done a good thing don't dansez moderne Everybody's happy I got the message and the message is clear I really really really really wish you were here it was written on the back of a carton d'allumettes It says I don't really miss you but I haven't tried yet I got the message & the message is proof There really is a thing they call the rhythm of youth It will pick you up and it will make you wiggle this way Et c'est facile a dire and it's easy to say C'est mon [They got this thing they call the rhythm of life] C'est toi [It says to settle down & get a dog and a wife] C'est nous [And everybody's doing it all over the land] C'est cool [Et oui je ne comprends pas oh yes i don't understand] C'est long [i got the message and the message is clear] C'est dur [i really really really really wish you were here] frappons [it was written on the back of a carton d'allumettes] nos tetes contre les murs me, you, us cool, long, hard, hit our heads against the wall [I don't really miss you but I haven't tried yet] I got a good thing yeah, got you going Everybody's moving, it's really showing I have done a good thing I've got you dancing, Everybody's happy I have done a good thing, I've got you moving, Everybody's dancing, It's really groovy I have done a good thing, don't dansez moderne And Everybody's happy I got the message and the message is clear I really really really really wish you were here it was written on the back of a carton d'allumettes It says I don't really miss you but I haven't tried yet I got the message & the message is proof There really is a thing they call the rhythm of youth It will pick you up and it will make you wiggle this way Et c'est facile a dire and it's easy to say It's mine [they got this thing they call the rhythm of life] Not Yours [it says to settle down & get a dog and a wife] Get down [and everybody's doing it all over the land] On all fours [et oui je ne comprends pas oh yes i don't understand] It's long [i got the message and the message is clear] And hard [i really really really really wish you were here] This road [it was written on the back of a carton d'allumettes] Road to mars [I don't really miss you but I haven't tried yet]

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Alte versuri de la Men Without Hats
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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