versuri Rihanna - Diamonds versuri muzica Rihanna versurile melodiei Diamonds > Litera R > Rihanna > Versurile Rihanna - Diamonds

Versuri Diamonds


Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Find light in the beautiful sea I choose to be happy You and I, you and I We̢۪re like diamonds in the sky You̢۪re a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I̢۪m alive We̢۪re like diamonds in the sky I knew that we̢۪d become one right away Oh, right away At first sight I left the energy of sun rays I saw the life inside your eyes So shine bright, tonight you and I We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Palms rise to the universe As we moonshine and molly Feel the warmth, we̢۪ll never die We̢۪re like diamonds in the sky You̢۪re a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I̢۪m alive We̢۪re like diamonds in the sky At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays I saw the life inside your eyes So shine bright, tonight you and I We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond So shine bright, tonight you and I We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We̢۪re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond

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