versuri Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N) - Can You Mend A Broken Heart versuri muzica Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N) versurile melodiei Can You Mend A Broken Heart > Litera B > Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N) > Versurile Band Ohne Namen (B.O.N) - Can You Mend A Broken Heart

Versuri Can You Mend A Broken Heart

lyrics: G. Gross, C. Capek, A. Humpe music: G. Gross, C. Capek, G. Raschke, A. Humpe Now let me tell you 'bout my life and the girls within, And how I always seemed to go the wrong way and couldn't win And don't grin, 'cause I can see that you're a beautiful girl And that you're tellin' me that you wanna share my world. I can see that your body, your mind, your every move is sayin' let's go, But baby girl, I just don't know, Will you be there for me when times get rough, Are you thinkin' of playin' and maybe not of love? And tell me, isn't love something we can dream of And isn't hope something we can try to reach up above, Isn't life something we can live in the best way, So tell me, will you be there every day? Refrain: Can you mend a broken heart, from the very start, Take me to the ground? Can you mend a broken heart, take me from the dark, Just by being around? Can you mend a broken heart? Baby, you can make a dream come true when you walk by, With your head held high, you make me go wild, I wanna spend more time with you at my side But I never want the feeling that you're teasing me or squeezing me And that you're just with me because you're pleasing me, I've been through enough times that weren't right, So now I'm looking for love and someone for life And tell me, isn't love something we can dream of And isn't hope something we can try to reach up above, Isn't life something we can live in the best way, So tell me, will you be there every day? Refrain 3 x

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  7. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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