versuri Erykah Badu - Apple tree versuri muzica Erykah Badu versurile melodiei Apple tree > Litera E > Erykah Badu > Versurile Erykah Badu - Apple tree

Versuri Apple tree

I'd like to dedicate this to all the children I have some food in my bag for you Not the edible food, the food you eat, no Perhaps some food for thought Since knowledge is infinite It has infinitely fell on me, so um... It was a stormy night, you know the kind where the lightnin' strike And I was hangin' out with some my yatzhee friends ooh wee ooh wee ooh wee The night was long, the night went on, people coolin' out until the break of dawn Incense was burnin' so I'm feelin' right, aight See I picks my friends like I pick my fruit My Ganny told me that when I was only a youth I don't walk around trying to be what I'm not I don't waste my time trying to get what you got I work at pleasin' me Cause I can't please you and that's why I do what I do My soul flies free like a willow tree doo wee doo wee doo wee And if you don't want to be down with me, then you don't want to pick from my apple tree [x3] And if you don't want to be down, you just don't want to be down I have a hoe And I take it everywhere I go Cause I'm plantin' seeds so I reaps what I sow, ya know, ya know On and on, and on and on my (?) keep's movin' like a rollin' stone I can't control the soul flowin' in me ooh wee ooh wee See I picks my friends like I pick my fruit My Ganny told me that when I was only a youth I don't walk around trying to be what I'm not I don't waste my time trying to get what ya got I work at pleasin' me Cause I can't please you and that's why I do what I do My soul flies free like a willow tree doo wee doo wee doo wee And if you don't want to be down with me, you don't want to pick from my apple tree x3 And if you don't want to be down with me, you just don't want to be down Oh my my my my, oh my my my my, oh my my my my my my my I picks my friends like I pick my fruit My Ganny told me that when I was only a youth I don't walk around trying to be what I'm not I don't waste my time trying to get what you got I work at pleasin' me Cause I can't please you, and thats why I do what I do My soul flies free like a willow tree doo wee doo wee doo wee And if you don't want to be down with me, you don't want to pick from my apple tree And if you don't want to be down with me, dum dum diddy And if you don't want to be down with me, you don't want to pick from my apple tree And if you don't want to be down with me, you just don't want to be down You just don't want to be down, You just don't want to be down

Melodiei melodiei ultima melodie ultima melodie descarca muzica straina ultima melodie asculta. Album muzica melodia Apple tree versuri Erykah Badu muzica versuri mp3.

Alte versuri de la Erykah Badu
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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