versuri Desperado & Tony Poptamas - Where were you versuri muzica Desperado & Tony Poptamas versurile melodiei Where were you > Litera D > Desperado & Tony Poptamas > Versurile Desperado & Tony Poptamas - Where were you

Versuri Where were you

I was so tired Was evening in my town The middle of the rush hour I was feeling down I fell asleep And then I heard a voice I saw her stand there Well, I guess we had no choice She said, 'Sorry sir, but you have to move your car!' I was shocked and my thinking was, I wanna know who you are! Refren: Where were you When I dreamed about you Where were you When my search was on Where were you the time When I wanted to change My entire life Where were you, I want you to be mine... Then in a hurry She took me by surprise A gentle kiss and I could see Love in her eyes I am yours now Please take me home with you My feelings never lie That's what I wanna do And the people looked at us like we were from the Moon Cause I know they think that fools Give their hearts too soon Refren(x2):.. Copyrighted © TONO OF NORWAY 2007 lyrics adapted in english by Tony Poptamas, original tiltle: “Unde-ai fost” Lyrics by Sandy Deac, Vlad Spatar, Ovidiu Buhatel

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Top versuri Desperado & Tony Poptamas

  1. Desperado & Tony Poptamas - Where were you
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  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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