versuri Braid - To Kiss A Trumpet Player versuri muzica Braid versurile melodiei To Kiss A Trumpet Player > Litera B > Braid > Versurile Braid - To Kiss A Trumpet Player

Versuri To Kiss A Trumpet Player

To Kiss A Trumpet Player Lyrics Its so white out today Im missing the blues so you think He's the best in the whole world? You should kiss more, Trumpet players girl see you sucking the brass cap, we'll see who has the last laugh, and the trumpet of that man, do a twitch and you cant get past them I cant take anymore I've got to get to the door looking down at the knees too many fake ideas I cant hear the band I don't know where to stand and it's pouring in, and I... will you please kiss me? on stage the bugle looks so cute and the trumpet goes toot toot toot happy billie holidays I feel like history and if the visitor's missin' me I'm not much of a player kiss kiss kiss me yeah. I'm not much of a player kiss kiss kiss me yeah I'm not much of a player kiss kiss kiss me yeah I'm not much of a player kiss kiss kiss me yeah I'm not much of a player. see us stuck in Nebraska and I'll have the last laugh yeah that trumpet man I do a twitch and I can get past them. I cant take anymore I've got to get to the door looking down at the knees too many fake ideas I think i cant hear the band I don't know where to stand it's a crazy dream as it seems will you please kiss me? happy billie holidays I feel like history and if the visitor's missin' me I'm not much of a player kiss kiss kiss me yeah. yeah yeah yeah.

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  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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