versuri Justin Guarini - Sorry versuri muzica Justin Guarini versurile melodiei Sorry > Litera J > Justin Guarini > Versurile Justin Guarini - Sorry

Versuri Sorry

Male talking softly Yeah, yeah (Spoken) Just listen All this time it's been on my mind But I never said it Went along like I did no wrong But now I regret it Should've probably listened more Held your hand and opened doors I've been taking you for granted But I swear I never meant it (Wanted many times to apologize) But it often went unsaid (Got to figure out how to tell you now) What's been going through my head Sorry Not an easy word to say But I'm worried if I don't you'll walk away And there's just no way that I can live Unless I know that you'll forgive Sorry Baby, I'm so, so (spoken) sorry Girl, I'm hoping it's not too late I cross my fingers Cross my heart I'm about to change my ways Starting with this one word Promise I'm gonna stay around No more hanging out Let's reunite I'll make it right Cuz I need you in my life (Sorry) Whoah (Not an easy word to say) Sorry baby (But I'm worried if I don't you'll walk away) Don't walk away And there's just no way that I can live Unless I know that you'll forgive Sorry Baby, I'm so, so, so (spoken) sorry Sorry for the times I didn't realize That holding back my feelings brought tears to your eyes Sorry for the times I didn't understand A simple word that you deserved Could make me a better man Whoah (Sorry) (Not an easy to word to say) Not an easy word (But I'm worried if I don't you'll walk away) Don't walk away (And there's just no way that I can live) I can live (Unless I know that you'll forgive) Just no way (Sorry) Now baby (Overlapping) Baby-aaaby-baby, please I'm so, so (spoken) sorry (Sorry) For all the times I made you cry (Not an easy to word to say) For all the times I told you lies (But I'm worried) All the times I wasn't fair (If I don't you'll walk away) (And there's just no way) For all these things, yeah (That I can live) I can live (Unless I know that you'll forgive) Unless I know you'll forgive me, ba-aa-aabe Baby, I'm so, so, (spoken) sorry Ooh ooooh (Sorry) Sorry (Not an easy word to say) Yeah (But I'm worried if I don't you'll walk away) Yeah (And there's just no way that I can live) Just no way that I can live (Unless I know that you'll forgive) Please forgive me, baby, yeah (Sorry) Baby, I'm so, so (spoken) sorry

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Alte versuri de la Justin Guarini
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  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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