versuri Evergrey - Solitude Within versuri muzica Evergrey versurile melodiei Solitude Within > Litera E > Evergrey > Versurile Evergrey - Solitude Within

Versuri Solitude Within

Cold is the air that I breath sleepless but I don't mind the rain With fear I strive but still enjoying the pain I'm awaiting the dawn as I welcome the end If you ever felt the way that I feel helpless and help is all you need In tears you try but there is no way no way you can win Solitude Within Cold but I don't mind the rain Fear of... My heart is pounding never so frightened My body's trembling I'm dying Dying Cold but I don't mind the rain Fear of Being alone again All I ever wished for was a vengeance on solitude And all I ever longed for... The presence of you Cold but I don't mind the rain Fear of being alone again Cold but I don't mind the rain fear of Solitude Within

Album descarca versuri versuri melodiei. Cuvintele muzica straina cuvinte album melodia Evergrey album melodiei Solitude Within.

Alte versuri de la Evergrey
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. maria santean - popular
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