versuri Bunny Wailer - Rastaman versuri muzica Bunny Wailer versurile melodiei Rastaman > Litera B > Bunny Wailer > Versurile Bunny Wailer - Rastaman

Versuri Rastaman

Rastaman Lyrics Them kill Limumba for his own-a-rights, But them can't kill the Rasta Man at all, 'tall, 'tall. Them can't kill the Rasta Man at all. That's the strangest man I've seen. (That's because he's a Rasta Man) Having the mark of a Nazarine. (That's because he's a Rasta Man) He carries a prophetical message. (That's because he's a Rasta Man) Borning out of time and out of age. (That's because he's a Rasta Man) The Rasta come from Zion. Rasta Man a Lion. (Oh what a Rasta Man) (repeat) Remember Jeremiah children. (He was a Rasta Man) Or even Iziah. (He was a Rasta Man) Moses in the pit of mud. (He was a Rasta Man) Trodding from Buzrak with his garments dipped in blood. (He was a Rasta Man) Oh what a dread, dread whola one, The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a strange, what a dread, but a righteous man, The Rasta Man, him come from Zion. What a dread, dread up-full one, The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a dread-black, dread-lock one, The Rasta Man come from Zion. Lightening! Seven years years of famine for seven years of plenty Is like two grains of wheat for one bale of barley. A hand-full of corn shall be on the hillside And with that you've got to be satisfied. It was Elijha who prayed that it did not rain. (He was a Rasta Man) He prayed and the rains came again. (He was a Rasta Man) It was Joshua who commanded the sun stand still. (He was a Rasta Man) He did that according to his Master's will. (Who was a Rasta Man) What a dread, dread whola one, The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a strange, what a dread, but a up-full one. The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a black, dread up-full one. The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a strange, dread-lock one. The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a dread, what a dread, what a whola one. The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a dread, dread lightening one. The Rasta Man come from Zion. What a strange dread, dread earthquake one. The Rasta Man come from Zion.

Descarca melodiei muzica versuri cantece. Melodia piesa muzica versuri piesa Bunny Wailer mp3 Rastaman ultima melodie cantece muzica straina.

Alte versuri de la Bunny Wailer
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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