versuri The 69 Eyes - Lost boys versuri muzica The 69 Eyes versurile melodiei Lost boys > Litera T > The 69 Eyes > Versurile The 69 Eyes - Lost boys

Versuri Lost boys

(Nothing's gonna make you stop) You wanna rock (Everybody knows you're lost) Morning light hurts your eyes But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue Blind boys never lie But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind shades of blue 'Cause in the end You're just reborn again You wanna rock (rock) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) We are dead until dark But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue You say You wanna live like I do But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue 'Cause in the end We're just reborn again You wanna rock (rock) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) (Solo) You wanna rock And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) (And nothing's gonna make you stop Lost boys Everybody knows you're lost Lost boys)(Nothing's gonna make you stop) You wanna rock (Everybody knows you're lost) Morning light hurts your eyes But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue Blind boys never lie But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind shades of blue 'Cause in the end You're just reborn again You wanna rock (rock) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) We are dead until dark But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue You say You wanna live like I do But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue 'Cause in the end We're just reborn again You wanna rock (rock) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) (Solo) You wanna rock And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) (And nothing's gonna make you stop Lost boys Everybody knows you're lost Lost boys)(Nothing's gonna make you stop) You wanna rock (Everybody knows you're lost) Morning light hurts your eyes But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue Blind boys never lie But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind shades of blue 'Cause in the end You're just reborn again You wanna rock (rock) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) We are dead until dark But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue You say You wanna live like I do But it's another thing Nothing really matters Behind the shades of blue 'Cause in the end We're just reborn again You wanna rock (rock) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) (Solo) You wanna rock And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) And nothing's gonna make you stop And nothing's gonna break you up Everybody knows you're lost In the night time, honey (Lost boys) (And nothing's gonna make you stop Lost boys Everybody knows you're lost Lost boys)

Versuri muzica versurile cuvinte cantece cuvintele asculta melodia cuvintele. Muzica straina versuri Lost boys melodia mp3 The 69 Eyes melodiei.

Alte versuri de la The 69 Eyes
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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