versuri Alexandrina - Ghita +English versuri muzica Alexandrina versurile melodiei Ghita +English > Litera A > Alexandrina > Versurile Alexandrina - Ghita +English

Versuri Ghita +English


The little coat it's in the hatstand outside isn't sun nothing it's good since I've been thinking at Ghita But Ghita isn't in the town I've concerned I'm sorry he's gone he's abroad hard, it's very hard I want but I don't know what I want I know that you like me too Tell me Ghita what are you doing Come or go tell me yes or no but Please, but make me nervous Ghita, what;s with your life ? Ghita, I wait you tonight at the door near that door at the school come, but come in other way like you usually come without something who waits like me one entire night only for you Ghita, show me a girl who might love you as I do Ghita, I wait you tonight at the door near that door at the school come, but come in other way like you usually come without something who waits like me one entire night only for you Ghita, show me a girl who might love you as I do Ghita, I wait you tonight at the door near that door at the school come, but come in other way like you usually come without something who waits like me one entire night only for you Ghita, show me a girl who might love you as I do

Melodiei album cuvinte muzica romaneasca muzica cantece piesa cantece versuri Alexandrina. Versuri melodia cantece Ghita +English descarca.

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