versuri Meena K - Everybody on the Floor versuri muzica Meena K versurile melodiei Everybody on the Floor > Litera M > Meena K > Versurile Meena K - Everybody on the Floor

Versuri Everybody on the Floor

He̢۪s got the fire like no one in the world My body̢۪s burning he̢۪s just turning me on I̢۪m like a dancer going wild on the floor It̢۪s so amazing He knows I̢۪m watching while he̢۪s doing his moves This is the first time in my life with no rules I̢۪m like a dancer going wild on the floor It̢۪s so amazing Everybody on the floor, oh oh oh Mister Dj give me more, oh oh oh Cause tonight I̢۪m so alone, I̢۪m so alone X 4 I̢۪m like a dancer going wild on the floor It̢۪s so amazing Everybody on the floor, oh oh oh Mister Dj give me more, oh oh oh Cause tonight I̢۪m so alone, I̢۪m so alone X 2

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Top versuri Meena K

  1. Meena K - Everybody on the Floor
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  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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