versuri Charlotte Church - Draw Tua Bethelehem versuri muzica Charlotte Church versurile melodiei Draw Tua Bethelehem > Litera C > Charlotte Church > Versurile Charlotte Church - Draw Tua Bethelehem

Versuri Draw Tua Bethelehem

Draw uwch y ddaear mae cysgod y nos, Ond yno mae golar un seren dlos. Draw uwch y ddaear mae lluoedd y Nef yn llawen gyhoeddi ei ddyfod Ef. Far in the city with no room to spare, A stable is let to the gentle pair. Far in the city they both watch and pray O'er Jesus asleep in His bed of hay. Draw ar y bryniau mae'r noson yn fwyn Ar dawel ffriddoedd y defaid a'r wyn. Over the hillside the shepherds draw near The angel's glad tidings of joy to hear. Draw dros y twyni mae cwmni ar daith yn dilyn y seren ar siwrnai faith. Over the hills now the wise men do bring their gifts for our lord and His praise to sing. Draw tua Bethle'm mae toriad y wawr Ac yno mae bore'm foliant yn awr. Far over Bethlehem glad voices call, to worship and praise the Saviour of all

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