versuri Cream - Deserted Cities Of The Heart versuri muzica Cream versurile melodiei Deserted Cities Of The Heart > Litera C > Cream > Versurile Cream - Deserted Cities Of The Heart

Versuri Deserted Cities Of The Heart

by Jack Bruce and Pete Brown Upon this street where time has died. The golden treat you never tried. In times of old, in days gone by. If I could catch your dancing eye. It was on the way, On the road to dreams, yeah. Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah. The street is cold, its trees are gone. The story's told the dark has won. Once we set sail to catch a star. We had to fail, it was too far. Chorus I felt the wind shout like a drum. You said, My friend, love's end has come. It couldn't last, had to stop. You drained it all to the last drop. Chorus Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah. On this dark street the sun is black. The winter life is coming back. On this dark street it's cold inside. There's no retreat from time that's died. It was on the way, On the road to dreams, yeah. Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now my heart's drowned in no love streams, yeah. Now my heart's drowned in no love.

Melodia muzica versurile melodiei mp3 Cream Dance melodia versuri muzica romaneasca. Deserted Cities Of The Heart melodia versuri album mp3 cuvinte.

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  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  9. maria santean - popular
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