versuri Janis Joplin - All Is Loneliness (in Album Joplin In Concert ) versuri muzica Janis Joplin versurile melodiei All Is Loneliness (in Album Joplin In Concert ) > Litera J > Janis Joplin > Versurile Janis Joplin - All Is Loneliness (in Album Joplin In Concert )

Versuri All Is Loneliness (in Album Joplin In Concert )

All is loneliness Loneliness here for me Loneliness here for me. All is loneliness Loneliness here for me Loneliness here for me. All is loneliness Loneliness here for me Loneliness here for me. All is loneliness Loneliness here for me Loneliness here for me. All is loneliness Loneliness here for me Loneliness here for me Loneliness here for me Loneliness here for me. Loneliness come on bother me Want me 'round my door. I get loneliness I get loneliness I get loneliness I get loneliness Loneliness, heck I said loneliness Lord, loneliness, yeah, I said loneliness. I said loneliness come on by my bed Gonna worry me 'round on my door-mat. I said loneliness come and found me, I said you found me whole. Yeah and now loneliness Lordy Lordy loneliness Lordy Lordy loneliness Lordy Lordy loneliness Yeah, loneliness Oh loneliness Oh loneliness Oh loneliness Oh loneliness Oh loneliness Oh loneliness Oh loneliness Ah loneliness Ah loneliness Loneliness Loneliness Loneliness Loneliness. Every day when I walk home I see loneliness When I waited for my baby. You know I open my front door, I said Mr. Loneliness is waiting for me at home Lordy, Lord at home, Lord at home, Lo-o-o-rd at home. You know, I get home every day, Lord, There ain't nobody waiting there, man And I ain't got no girlfriends, and I ain't got no boyfriends, man. I ain't got no any kind of friends, man, I ain't got no... My TV set doesn't work, my radio doesn't work, man. I come home there's nothing Nothing, man, there's no animals moving, There's nothing, man Walk in that door seems like I'm sitting there every day, man. Lord, loneliness Lord, loneliness Ah, ah, loneliness Loneliness Loneliness Loneliness Loneliness Lord. All right!

Album cuvintele mp3 asculta mp3. Muzica straina cuvinte Janis Joplin versuri versuri mp3 muzica cuvintele All Is Loneliness (in Album Joplin In Concert ).

Alte versuri de la Janis Joplin
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  5. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. maria santean - popular
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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