versuri Beyonce - After all i said and done versuri muzica Beyonce versurile melodiei After all i said and done > Litera B > Beyonce > Versurile Beyonce - After all i said and done

Versuri After all i said and done

"After All Is Said And Done" Here I am Lookin' in the mirror An open face, the pain erased Now, the sky is clearer I can see the sun Now that all is All is said and done ooh... There u are Always strong when I need ya U let me give and now I live Fearless and protected With the one I will love After all is, all is said and done ... I once believed that hearts are made to bleed (Inside I once believed that hearts were made to bleed, oh oh baby) But now I'm not afraid to say I need u, I need u so stay with me These precious (precious) hours (yeah) Greet each dawn in open arms And dream onto tomorrow Where there's only love After all is, all is said and done (Yeah baby) Oh baby (Inside I once believed, that hearts were meant to bleed) (I'll never) I'll never be afraid to say I need u, I need u, so here Here we are in the still of this moment Fear is gone, hope lives on We found our happy ending For there's only love (only love) And this sweet, sweet luv After all is, all is said and done Yeah baby after all is (all is) All is said and done

Versuri versuri melodia mp3 muzica cuvinte Beyonce. Cantece descarca album muzica romaneasca Hip-hop piesa melodiei After all i said and done album.

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