versuri Avatar - A Lost City versuri muzica Avatar versurile melodiei A Lost City > Litera A > Avatar > Versurile Avatar - A Lost City

Versuri A Lost City

Through dark dungeons I wander hearing this beautiful voice calling me athward Green mosses lead my pathways eery shrieks fulfill my joy calming fear enveils my body suddenly standing before the gate innaya... lost city Of the twelve sleepers in Sadness breaking open the doorway I feel the tears in my heart A grief hold for ages now set free Broken houses death decay rotting stenches of things unknown to us Gods that were once here now left left in the Mausoleum of Pain strolling through streets, cracks Gaping at me with soothing darkness I feel the wind caressing my body the first sense of resignation... I will never leave this city of Broken dreams, never Spirits of unbearable calmness lie fall... falling... down Caress me... tear my black soul apart With the grief and sorrow of Eras The weeping of millions impaling my heart falling... so sweet... falling down...

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  6. javelea elena - mama
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  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
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