versuri Donots - Private Angel versuri muzica Donots versurile melodiei Private Angel > Litera D > Donots > Versurile Donots - Private Angel

Versuri Private Angel

yoṳ壉€“e heaven sent they clipped your wings could you hear me calling when you were falling? so lift my head from the concrete bed and take me higher cause i canç£Ëœ stand this hell anymore anymore yoṳ壉€“e my private angel yoṳ壉€“e my private angel take me home catch my fall yoṳ壉€“e my private angel rescue me and i am blessed cause yoṳ壉€“e a mess i can confide in confess all my sins so clean my veins from the poison stains and take me away cause i donç£Ëœ want to stay anymore come closer to me all good angels go to hell

Cuvintele piesa piesa asculta muzica straina. Donots Private Angel descarca versuri melodia versuri cuvinte.

Alte versuri de la Donots
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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