versuri Dimmu Borgir muzica Dimmu Borgir versuri melodii Dimmu Borgir > Litera D > versuri Dimmu Borgir

Versuri Dimmu Borgir

  1. versuri A succubus in rapture
  2. versuri Absolute Sole Right
  3. versuri Allegiance
  4. versuri Allegience
  5. versuri Allehelgens DA D I Helveds Rike
  6. versuri Allehelgens Da Di Helveds Rike
  7. versuri Alt Lys Svunnet Hen
  8. versuri Antikrist
  9. versuri Arcane Life Force Mysteria
  10. versuri Arcane lifeforce mysteria
  11. versuri Architecture Of A Genocidal Nature
  12. versuri Behind The Curtains Of Night
  13. versuri Behind the curtains of night phantasmagoria
  14. versuri Blessings upon the throne of tyranny
  15. versuri Blood hunger doctrine
  16. versuri Broderskapets ring
  17. versuri Burn in hell
  18. versuri Cataclysm children
  19. versuri Chaos Without Prophecy
  20. versuri Da den kristne satte livet til
  21. versuri DA Dsferd
  22. versuri Den Gjemte Sannhets Herskar
  23. versuri Det nye riket
  24. versuri Dodsferd
  25. versuri Dreamside Dominions
  26. versuri Elinquishment of spirit and flesh
  27. versuri Entrance
  28. versuri Eradication instincts defined
  29. versuri Fear And Wonder (Intro)
  30. versuri For All Tid
  31. versuri For the world to dictate our death
  32. versuri Grotesquery Conceiled
  33. versuri Grotesquery conceiled (within mesureless magic)
  34. versuri Heavenly perverse
  35. versuri Hunnerkongens sorgsvarte ferd over steppene
  36. versuri Hybrid Stigmata
  37. versuri Hybrid stigmata the apostasy
  38. versuri In deaths embrace
  39. versuri IndoctriNation
  40. versuri King of the carnival creation
  41. versuri Kings Of The Carnival Creation
  42. versuri Lepers Among Us
  43. versuri Masses For The New Messiah
  44. versuri Master of disharmony
  45. versuri Master Of Disharmony (Live)
  46. versuri Metal heart
  47. versuri Moonchild Domain
  48. versuri Mourning palace
  49. versuri Nar Sjelen Hentes Til Helvete
  50. versuri NAYr Sjelen Hentes Til Helvete
  51. versuri Nocturnal fear
  52. versuri Over Bleknede Blner Til Dommedag
  53. versuri Perfection Or Vanity
  54. versuri Progenies of the great apocalypse
  55. versuri Prudence fall
  56. versuri Puritania
  57. versuri Raabjorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
  58. versuri Raabjorn Speiler Draugheims Skodde
  59. versuri Relinquishment Of Spirit And Flesh
  60. versuri Reptile
  61. versuri Sorgens Kammer
  62. versuri Spellbound (by the devil)
  63. versuri Stormblast
  64. versuri StormblAYst
  65. versuri Sympozium
  66. versuri The Blazing Monoliths Of Defiance
  67. versuri The insight and the catharsis
  68. versuri The maelstrom mephisto
  69. versuri The Night Masquerade
  70. versuri The Promised Future Aeons
  71. versuri Tormentor of christian souls
  72. versuri United in unhallowed grace
  73. versuri Unorthodox manifesto
  74. versuri Vinder Fra En Ensom Grav
  75. versuri Vredesbyrd

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Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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