versuri Cinerama - Your Time Starts Now versuri muzica Cinerama versurile melodiei Your Time Starts Now > Litera C > Cinerama > Versurile Cinerama - Your Time Starts Now

Versuri Your Time Starts Now

I've given everything I have to give but it's not enough And this might sound a little negative but I'm not that tough And well, yeah, that's the difference there between us, you're so naïve When they promise you the world, oh they don't really mean it, it's just make believe Yeah, I've heard it all before No, I don't care any… More things to do but no time left to do them, so why persevere? More goals but no opportunity to pursue them, so why am I here? Yeah, I've heard it all before No, I don't care any more Maybe I need to try again But I don't know how You say you've got the answer Well your time starts now I need to try again I don't know how You say you've got the answer Your time starts now Yeah, I've heard it all before No, I don't care any more

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Alte versuri de la Cinerama
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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