versuri Mandragora Scream - Velvet Eyes versuri muzica Mandragora Scream versurile melodiei Velvet Eyes > Litera M > Mandragora Scream > Versurile Mandragora Scream - Velvet Eyes

Versuri Velvet Eyes

[Isserggia] Vultures, thirteen white eyed nymphs with The frozen echo of a young wind enraged Shadows of a cobweb torn down Memories of rhymed lines like poems of life King Seal's soul His nightfall, last of four nights Fallin' of stars in delusion Cliff shadows, raven's old bright wings Black eyes lie lurkin' Hail to the dead bridegroom That night carryin' lorn cobweb Memories in silence came back to me My Prince born through vulture's bad bites On a frozen pond flanked by two oak trees From ancient times My Vampire, he has black swan's hearts Velvet eyes, misty signs which can, oh! Mesmerize my face's moon, Shini' and glowin' face of night Layin' on my bed of lilies Firefliesm cries and grim life: I left my flesh

Cantece Mandragora Scream muzica straina asculta. Versuri cuvinte melodia cuvinte Velvet Eyes cuvinte asculta melodia versuri descarca.

Alte versuri de la Mandragora Scream
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  8. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  9. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  10. maria santean - popular
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