versuri Body Count - The Winners Loses versuri muzica Body Count versurile melodiei The Winners Loses > Litera B > Body Count > Versurile Body Count - The Winners Loses

Versuri The Winners Loses

My friend's addicted to cocaine smokes day and night drives mom and pop insane. Living his life in the dark light every dollar he gets goes into the pipe. He wants to borrow some money from me do you think I'm blind don't know the score can't see? You wanna get high as the sky (You're kissin' your life goodbye) You're kissin' your life goodbye (You think it's a game) You think it's a game that you play (But the winners lose) But the winners lose it all someday. Ya don't know who you are are you losin' your mind? Things get a little tight he committed a crime. Give me your money or give me your life! You better empty your pockets because ya, ya don't live twice. You wanna get high as the sky (You're kissin' your life goodbye) You're kissin' your life goodbye (You think it's a game) You think it's a game that you play (But the winners lose) But the winners lose it all someday. He took the money to the dope man and he said he had the best next thing ya knew, cardiac arrest! It was a rollercoaster, he couldn't get off next thing I knew my friends' life was lost. Nooooooooo. You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You think it's a game, you think it's a game, You wanna get high as the sky (You're kissin' your life goodbye) You're kissin' your life goodbye (You think it's a game) You think it's a game that you play (But the winners lose) But the winners lose it all someday. You wanna get high as the sky (You're kissin' your life goodbye) You're kissin' your life goodbye (You think it's a game) You think it's a game that you play (But the winners lose) But the winners lose it all someday. You wanna get high as the sky (You're kissin' your life goodbye) You're kissin' your life goodbye (You think it's a game) You think it's a game that you play (But the winners lose) But the winners lose it all someday. You wanna get high as the sky.

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Alte versuri de la Body Count
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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