versuri Alexander - Take me tonight versuri muzica Alexander versurile melodiei Take me tonight > Litera A > Alexander > Versurile Alexander - Take me tonight

Versuri Take me tonight

Oh Baby When I look into your eyes, fell's good to me Feeling in my lewdly days like fantasy Baby, you're my angel My Guardian Angel Oh memories, I feel it in my heart, I feel it in my soul When never ever fall a part, don't let me go Baby, you're my angel And you know that, time will show [Refrain:] Take me tonight, anything is possible Times on my site, the world is beautiful I'll take my chance, so dreams coming true Tell me your mine, oh babe don't make me blue And I know for sure, I will never let you go Oh Baby, If you can be love, so let me be your friend Take me in your lonely arms and so let it end Baby, you're my angel My Guardian Angel I'll be there, If you ever miss me darling, I'll take care You'll always in my heart, oh baby I swear Baby, you're my angel Oh if you need me, I'll be there [Refrain:] Take me tonight, anything is possible Times on my site, the world is beautiful I'll take my chance, my dreams are coming true Tell me your mine, oh babe don't make me blue And I know for sure, I will never let you go Take me tonight, anything is possible Times on my site, the world is beautiful I'll take my chance, my dreams are coming true Tell me your mine, oh babe don't make me blue And I know for sure, I will never let you go

Versuri album Take me tonight muzica muzica straina piesa. Melodia album cantece cuvinte Alexander versuri versurile.

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  1. Alexander - Take me tonight
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