versuri Project 86 - Six Sirens versuri muzica Project 86 versurile melodiei Six Sirens > Litera P > Project 86 > Versurile Project 86 - Six Sirens

Versuri Six Sirens

and now I sit in thought as the plot of my days commences and I'm left with fences put off the thoughts of my end so long to race to chase after the trends so fleeting hours pass usettled unresolved my passions I escapes to win a new day to waste misaligned priorities parallel my desires I hide my eyes to avoid embrace I smell the stench unavoidable approach comes against and yet I'm left asking the question denied a way to defend the thoughts that this side equates with what awaits (Sonny from P.O.D.) I'm rippin right through the masses sacrifice into ashes giving up what was past tense raising up like Lazarus laugh at the strongman who thought he had control on my eternity eternal is Christ empowers me like the faith that builds my strength is your dreams that fade away to the battlefield we soldiers play I dance with life beyond the grave and Jah (God) only knows that I will never rest my head no time for us to sleep we concentrate on the son until our eyes bleed salvation carries a cost we must prevail death creeps like the breeze but have no fear watch me inhale (2X) [Temporary Bliss] the depths await my burial [Temporary Bliss] as the hours seem as seconds [Temporary Bliss] the end of your bliss is coming [Temporary Bliss] face the path, sip the last embrace ends every day a new day to die die time the former life is passed blind side I know what awaits my fate haste breath unavoidable ceasing of days embrace ends every day a new day to die die time the former life is passed blind side I know what awaits my fate haste breath today's a good day to die (Sonny) with the quickness equiped to bring the pain enemies the soldier rages on praying for casualties in the distance I see a vision of my reflection life and death intersection this holy spirit intersection (Andrew) say hello to my end and greet the fears that grip majority nightmares removed bitterness none to spare I pursue my fate with a lack of remorse I stand resolute to embrace the course (Sonny) confusion settles the mind mind settles for blasphemies ignoring the call heart dwells iniquities let the praises on through we worship God most high face to face with the truth you know we're ready to die READY TO DIE (Andrew) reeling defenseless grieving and senseless your powerless to avoid demise left gaining on exit and straining to fight it your only option is losing you life to find it (Sonny) with the quickness equiped to bring the pain enemies the soldier rages on praying for casualties in the distance I see a vision of my reflection life and death intersection this holy spirit intersection (Andrew) say hello to my end and greet the fears that grip majority nightmares removed bitterness none to spare I pursue my fate with a lack of remorse I stand resolute to embrace the course

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Alte versuri de la Project 86
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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