versuri Simon Says - Sever versuri muzica Simon Says versurile melodiei Sever > Litera S > Simon Says > Versurile Simon Says - Sever

Versuri Sever

EverydayæŠÂ¯ another day This wall I build, it drowns the noise out. I watch your mouth, but never hear a word. A liar and a lunatic, a bitter end. Realtionship. It makes me take a look at what itæŠÂ¯ worth, And IæŠÂ³e found nothing. YouæŠÂ®e days are over. Time has won. Now it all makes sence. Picture of a motheræŠÂ¯ dream, A perfect son. A family. A trophy for your lowered self esteem. Product of a glory whore. I heal myself and find a savior. Stare at your creation turn his back. Mother, I hate you! Your days are over. Time has won. Now it all makes sense. Today I sever all my ties, To your existence. Allergic reaction, to your dishonesty. Your days are over. Time has won. Now it all makes sense. Today I sever all my ties, To your existence, And IæŠÂ¦ finally living. Drown you out. I shut you out of this world. Innocence. I wish I had a mother. Look into my eyes. You canæŠÂ° stand your reflection. Sever me. I cut you from my conscience. Allergic reaction, To your dishonesty. YouæŠÂ®e days are over. Time has won. Now it all makes sense. Today I sever all my ties, To your existence.

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