versuri ICP - Mr. happy versuri muzica ICP versurile melodiei Mr. happy > Litera I > ICP > Versurile ICP - Mr. happy

Versuri Mr. happy

I'm kind of fat and I sweat a lot but that the only bad quirky dinks I got that and maybe the whole murdering aspect but we really ain't even got to that yet I love people, I love everything about them and that's why I gotta live life without them I know it don't make any since to you but fuck you this songs about me exclusively murder, murderous, murderation the murdering mentality without an explanation I'm Mr. Happy and I ride a bike I ain't got a seat I just sit on the pipe thing I whistle, I sing, ill pet your poodle ill twist and squeeze your neck like a wet noodle cause I'm so happy ill stab your ass and lay down next to you dead on the grass and sing Ooh it feel so good every time I murder I get happy happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you I love you, so hand me you neck let me teach you about love and respect respect the fact that I love to kill wait a minute y'all I gotta take my pill Zanoffs.. it works : down to only 3 people a day my victims, I give the love and care I don't wanna get blood everywhere I don't use a chainsaw or a butcher knife that's so 90's get it right I never mutilate or chop my loves all I really need is a pair of gloves or maybe a car, ill run 'em down wit it I know that can be messy but the birds will get it don't you see that I love you I'm mr. happy I'm all about fun Ooh it feel so good every time I murder I get happy happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you my bike has a basket full of strawberries I picked them myself along with apples and cherries lemons and oranges and boogers and limes plus there's a faygo in there but that's mine red flowers like after your dead I plant seeds and growem out the side of your head I got flowers all over the back yard in the form of a jokers card Uh ohh feels good I like the chuckel of my neighborhood I'm one of them midnight creeps at dennys talking to myself and lickin my pennys I got a french fry hangin out of my beard (don't go near that guy he's weird) you know I'm all good and everythings all right when you hear this scream in the middle of the night like this: Ooh it feel so good every time I murder I get happy happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found happy happy happy its found murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you ill murder murder murder you

Versuri melodia muzica straina cuvintele Mr. happy piesa descarca ICP. Versuri ultima melodie cantece album melodia cantece descarca album.

Alte versuri de la ICP
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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