versuri Absu - Four Crossed Wands (Spell 181) versuri muzica Absu versurile melodiei Four Crossed Wands (Spell 181) > Litera A > Absu > Versurile Absu - Four Crossed Wands (Spell 181)

Versuri Four Crossed Wands (Spell 181)

[Chorus I:] I'm the Knight of Wands- Yodh is in the name I'm swift and violent: TRANSIENT! The fiery part of Fire- I'm a lightning flash Between the symbol, And the natal force. [Chorus II:] She's the Queen of Wands- H© is in the name She's fermenting, yet TRANSMITTING! The watery part of Fire- She's quick to receive Between the surface, And the process of (pro) creation. Kan! King! 51st Hexagram A warrior in complete armor With wand in the left hand and torch in the right. (181) Su­! Queen! 17th Hexagram Her crown is topped with a winged sphere, And rayed with flames. (181) [Chorus III:] He's the Prince of Wands- Vau is in the name He's manifesting, but TRANSCENDING! The airy part of Fire- He's the Dying God! Between the virtue, And the Leader of his caste. Y® King! Y® King! 42nd Hexagram A shrouded warrior in full-scale armour- On his chest, he bears the sigil TO MEGA QHRION. [Chorus IA:] FOUR CROSSED WANDS! Ž Queen! Ž Queen! 27th Hexagram Her crown is surged with a disque of the Sun And once again, rayed with fire. [Repeat Chorus IA] They observe no regular rule in the ordering of their hearts. [Repeat Chorus IA] [Chorus IV:] She's the Princess of Wands- H© is in the name She's crystallizing, yet TRANSPOSING! The earthy part of Fire- She's absorbing Between the Silence, And the 10th of May.

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  6. javelea elena - mama
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  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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