versuri Nick & Tiger 1 - Drop that azz versuri muzica Nick & Tiger 1 versurile melodiei Drop that azz > Litera N > Nick & Tiger 1 > Versurile Nick & Tiger 1 - Drop that azz

Versuri Drop that azz

Refren(x2): Don't hold back, girl, just drop that azz Give it to me real strong. let me rock that azz Just rock that azz, just drop thop azz Drop, drop, just drop that azz. I: Bingo, e ziua ta norocoasa Am aflat de la cineva ca esti singura acasa Baietii au pregatit ceva pentru tine Stai joc, ia loc, simte-te bine Aduceti boxele, volumul tare Sa intre fete, sa vad miscare Unde e gheatza ca sticla e la mine Stai linistit ca nu plecam pana maine. Refren(x2):.. II: Hey, yo, I'm getting kinda tired of the tease and the bleedin' I think it's time for a little ?? of pleasin' I've been watchin' that azz from across floor I've got a box of Viagra and I'm ready to flow Girl, I'll make you say 'Aah!' till the break of dawn Girl, I'll make you say 'Tiger 1, you're the bomb !' You've never seen something like this Girl, I'll smack that ass with my toung, first kiss. Refren(x2):.. III: Nu, n-o sa ne oprim pana dimineata Am fetite langa mine imbracate doar in ata Nu dansez, doar ma misc, sper sa mai rezist Si daca cineva nu vrea insist Sa-mi arate si mie ceva, Si din spate e mai bine asa Toata viata un singur lucru mi-a placut Sa beau, sa fumez si-apoi sa ma...culc. Refren(x2):.. IV: If you're rollin' with me that's a price to pay And if yoy drop it all night than will be okay My blood type is ?? and I was born a ?? I love gettin' dirty so I ?? with the rest Same crew, same ?? ?? step up, Shorty''l rock you from the back I was born to ?? and I'll do it again Don't hold back, girl, let me stay and begin. Hello...Inc-o data... Refren(x4):..

Cantece versuri muzica ultima melodie versuri Nick & Tiger 1 muzica. Ultima melodie Drop that azz muzica romaneasca versurile mp3 album ultima melodie.

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