versuri Cowboy Junkies - Come Calling versuri muzica Cowboy Junkies versurile melodiei Come Calling > Litera C > Cowboy Junkies > Versurile Cowboy Junkies - Come Calling

Versuri Come Calling

The stillness here, like what he sometimes finds inside her, hits so hard it can steal your breath forever He sometimes wonders is the sum of their lives together him on the floor and her lost to a mind in tatters These days he's drinking for the pleasure of falling and he's falling for the pleasure of pretending that she's sitting by the window waiting for him to come calling If I could fix me up a week of twilight hours we'd sit on the point and watch the sun continually flounder Bathed in gold we'd plug into some kind of power and connect with those days back before all of this went sour 'Cause I'm drinking for the pleasure of falling and I'm falling for the pleasure of pretending that you're sitting by the window waiting for me to come calling Odd how the darkness always makes us whisper and with the last of the sun you can feel the approach of the winter Now is the time of each day that I Desperately miss her I suppose I will learn how to live my life without her So you're drinking for the pleasure of falling and you're falling for the pleasure of pretending that I'm sitting by the window waiting for you to come calling

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Alte versuri de la Cowboy Junkies
Cele mai cerute versuri
  1. picaturi muzicale - vine vine anul nou
  2. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciu sa marad
  3. picaturi muzicale - din nou e primăvara
  4. Adriana si Dumitruta - La multi ani
  5. petrica mitu stoian - firicel de iarba verde
  6. javelea elena - mama
  7. Teodora Pascu - Am o fire de artista
  8. Lolipops - Aho_aho
  9. Gelu voicu - Pusei briciul sa ma raz
  10. maria santean - popular
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