versuri Nico & Mihai Traistariu - All the time versuri muzica Nico & Mihai Traistariu versurile melodiei All the time > Litera N > Nico & Mihai Traistariu > Versurile Nico & Mihai Traistariu - All the time

Versuri All the time

I: Took and tryVso hard, babeG And I knowEyou were so scaredO II: But if youRwould just believe meR You wouldSsee how much I careO. Refren: Always and all the time You were there and I was gone But if you would try Just to give me one more chance. And if you show me how I would reach to hold you now Don't you know at night I cry It's for you I know I'd die. III: Try for worst to talk to me Confort me from all this cold IV: Maybe now I can believe you You really know how much I care. Refren(x2):.. Text copiat de pe It's for you I know I'd die....

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